Privacy Policy
The Hong Kong Exporters’ Association (HKEA) respects personal data and is committed to fully implementing and complying with the data protection principles and all relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (“the Ordinance”) .
Collection and Use
Personal Data is collected from our site visitors on a voluntary basis. Personal Data may include names, addresses, e-mail addresses etc. The information is used by us for the purposes stated on the respective screens on which we request for the provision of your personal data. The Personal Data will not be used for any other purposes without your consent unless such use is permitted or required by law.
Data Security
Information pertaining to personal data that you provide in this website is stored in a secure environment and accessed only by authorized persons. The HKEA however gives no warranty against hacking by third parties or any unauthorized access to the data by anyone or against any attack by computer viruses. User has your responsibility at all times to maintain the secrecy of your user ID and login password.
Use of cookies
When you browse this web site, cookies will be stored in your computer’s hard drive. The purpose of using cookies is for internal natvigation/ programming only. In order to improve our services, we record the domain name of your computer and track the pages you visit thus enabling us to compile statistics on the number of visitors to and the usage of our website regarding traffic, pages visited and time spent. We will not collect any personal data from you under this circumstance. You have a choice not to accept the cookies, but if you do, certain features, e.g. banner display or maintenance of continuity during a session, may not be available for browsing.
Access and Correction
Data access or request for correction of your personal data recorded by us may be addressed to the “Senior Administration Officer” or with other person as specifically advised. Our registered address is: The Hong Kong Exporters’ Association, Room 924, Star House, 3 Salisbury Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Please specify: “Request for Data Access or Correction” in the subject. A reasonable fee for processing a data access request may be charged.